Title: Adaption Disorder
Artist: Terrorrythmus
Release Date: 22 February 2013
Genre: Techno / House
License: CC BY-SA
Label: Yarn Audio

Sometimes I do like house / techno releases. This is the proof.

Terrorhythmus is not the common house producer. While these releases are definitely in the standard dance style, they are a bit different. They is a bit of play with drum-n-bass style, and there is a lot of humor in the way a lot of the samples are sequenced and manipulated.

And with this being only three tracks that are all under 5 minutes long, it’s easy to listen to it without getting fatigue from hearing the devices over used.

If there is any negative that could be that there isn’t anything that is ground breaking about these recordings. A lot of the hooks and odd bits are things most house and techno listeners are used to hearing. But, I suspect, that is kind of the point of a release like this: a producer putting a bit of his own spin on the things that his intended audience expects to hear.

Terrorrythmus: Adaption Disorder

Name Your Price



Posted by George De Bruin


  1. Thanks for the review!

    1. @yarnaudio You’re welcome. It was a pleasure writing a little something up about these releases.

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