Tag: minimal

Duelling Ants: Fauna
Duelling Ants: Fauna is one of the releases that I discovered months ago working on the Netlabel Profiles project, and it’s still in my playlist.

Bratenschneider: The Edge EP
Bratenschneider’s The Edge EP sounded like a good idea to me: minimal techno music with a fusion of psychedelic style. Sign me up, right? Right?

Various: Phaeton Chronicles Vol. 2
Phaeton Chronicles is A Tunguska Chillout that is very fitting for this time of year: alternating between chilled minimal and warm pop pieces.

Michael Peters: Lucid Dream Cities
Lucid Dream Cities showcases Michael Peters evolving guitar style: ambient, experimental, looping, jazzy, rock all swirled together in this lush release.

Spin Day And The Emotional Godfather
Spin Day And The Emotional Godfather is another release that continues what seems to be a theme for me this week: unusual releases. This release marks an interesting diversion from the norm of electronica: some parts are distinctly acoustic, some parts are very electronic, some parts wander into an experimental area.

Wings Of An Angel: In This Morbid Dream, I Had A Direct Encounter With A Slow Motion Dissolution Into Nonexistence
Wings of an Angel In This Morbid Dream is a poetic narrative of life at night time when all the things that make up our being drift off into nothingness.