Tag: minimal

Duelling Ants: Fauna

Duelling Ants: Fauna

Duelling Ants: Fauna is one of the releases that I discovered months ago working on the Netlabel Profiles project, and it’s still in my playlist.

Bratenschneider's The Edge EP

Bratenschneider: The Edge EP

Bratenschneider’s The Edge EP sounded like a good idea to me: minimal techno music with a fusion of psychedelic style. Sign me up, right? Right?

Phaeton Chronicles Vol. 2

Various: Phaeton Chronicles Vol. 2

Phaeton Chronicles is A Tunguska Chillout that is very fitting for this time of year: alternating between chilled minimal and warm pop pieces.

Michael Peters: Lucid Dream Cities

Michael Peters: Lucid Dream Cities

Lucid Dream Cities showcases Michael Peters evolving guitar style: ambient, experimental, looping, jazzy, rock all swirled together in this lush release.

Spin Day And The Emotional Godfather

Spin Day And The Emotional Godfather

Spin Day And The Emotional Godfather is another release that continues what seems to be a theme for me this week: unusual releases. This release marks an interesting diversion from the norm of electronica: some parts are distinctly acoustic, some parts are very electronic, some parts wander into an experimental area.

Wings Of An Angel In This Morbid Dream

Wings Of An Angel: In This Morbid Dream, I Had A Direct Encounter With A Slow Motion Dissolution Into Nonexistence

Wings of an Angel In This Morbid Dream is a poetic narrative of life at night time when all the things that make up our being drift off into nothingness.