Title: Phaeton Chronicles Vol. 2
Artist: Various
Release Date: 2015 Feb 21
Genre: Downtempo / Chillout
License: CC BY-ND
Label: Tunguska EMS


It’s been a while since I’ve written about any of the releases from Tunguska.  I was kind of burned out on them for a while.  It’s sometimes too easy to over-indulge in the releases from one label, especially when the quality is as consistent, and Phaeton Chronicles Vol. 2 is another fine example of this release quality from Tunguska.

Phaeton Chronicles – A Tunguska Chillout

One of the things that I wanted to present is a release that makes for fun listening during these dog days of summer.  Just before the crisp chill of fall starts to set in here in the U.S. many people are trying to soak up the last few days of warm weather.  And, with that last bit of sun worshiping, a good soundtrack is needed.

Phaeton Chronicles doesn’t disappoint from the opening with the very smooth groove of DFRNT’s Free Dive and Max Verbitski’s Change of Moods.  But things aren’t set to maintain this warm tone throughout the whole release.  The Vangelis-esque Cold Space by Project ?! & Onkakmir sets the chill of the coming change of seasons nicely.  Things warm up a little bit with Miusha’s Aquarelle (Max Loginov Remix) but only a little bit.

The way in which this release is sequenced offers a ping-pong effect that fits perfectly with the time of year, alternating between smooth and warm pop-jazz like tunes, and chilled out minimal tracks.  It’s the perfect compliment for spending time outside doing fall yard work, or just wandering the streets and taking in the vibes in the waning days of summer.


This release has been sitting in my queue for most of this year.  I liked it when I first listened to, but then again, I’ve barely been able to find anything negative to say when it comes to Tunguska EMS releases like Phaeton Chronicles Vol. 2.  But as I was listening to this release recently, it hit me that this is the right time for it: it’s a perfect blend of minimal chill and warm pop for the late summer / early fall season.  I recommend checking it out today, and let me know what you think in the comments below.

Various: Phaeton Chronicles Vol. 2

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Posted by George De Bruin