Tag: hip-hop

Rooftop Hacky Sack

Spiedkiks: Rooftop Hacky Sack

Spiedkiks breaks a two year silence with Rooftop Hacky Sack, a release that plays to their strengths, and makes a great summer fun release.

Jarod the Sixth: The Legend of Chinn Dynasty

Jarod the Sixth: The Legend of Chinn Dynasty

Jarod the Sixth: The Legend of Chinn Dynasty is a “rite of passage” work that takes hip-hop / rap to a whole new level. I hope this is the future of rap.

Eric Kamen: The New Art of Urban Flamenco

Eric Kamen: The New Art of Urban Flamenco

Eric Kamen: The New Art of Urban Flamenco explores the fusion of Flamenco with a range of styles ranging from Indian music to hip-hop and reggae.

Ohsaurus: PUng

Ohsaurus’s “PUng” gives fusion a new meaning by blending chiptune-influenced flourishes with hip hop beats…

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10 Excellent Independent Labels

In July I published 10 Netlabels To Follow the first guide to alternative labels for the music that saturates our lives. The idea was to expose different labels and bring some attention to the people making music available that challenges our listening habits. So, here is the next list of 10 excellent independent labels.

Impossebulls Slave Education

The Impossebulls: Slave Education XE

The Impossebulls Slave Education is ten years old, but despite showing it’s age in some parts, the issues that are brought up are stil relevant today.