All posts by Chris P

Firing Line

Firing Line: Round I

Firing Line: Round I – the first compilation of short reviews of singles and EP’s from around the netlabel world by Chris P.

Ari Porki: Waterway

Ari Porki: Waterway

Ari Porki’s “Waterway” is a compilation of water-themed ambient pieces and soundscapes recorded from 2009 to 2014.

Sasha Raven: Wake Up Call

Sasha Raven: Wake Up Call

Sasha Raven: Wake Up Call makes a valiant attempt at keeping the listener engaged and almost locked in the sound, but falls short in a few too many areas to be taken very seriously. Unfortunately, there isn’t much to take lightly here, either.

Tomple2oon - Theta State

Tomple2oon: Theta State

Tomple2oon Brings Us To A Theta State in the latest project from Thompson Pierce, the 26 year old from Cairns Australia.

Ohsaurus: PUng

Ohsaurus’s “PUng” gives fusion a new meaning by blending chiptune-influenced flourishes with hip hop beats…

deeB's Day In A City

deeB: A Day In A City

deeB’s Day In A City kicks off 2015 with a chilled downtempo, blending samples and beats with tingling melodies perfect for a midnight walk through a city.