Title: The World In A Drop of Rain
Artist: Shamanizm Parallelii
Release Date: 2014 Aug 31
Genre: Downtempo / PsyDub
License: CC BY-NC-ND
Label: Ektoplazm / Neogoa


The duo of Paul Yashan (guitars, lyrics, and vocals) and Arkadiy Tronets (electronic instruments, mixing, and mastering) spent the last two years developing a new style of Downtempo infused Dub elements, organic textures, experimental twists and a crystal clear production.  Now it’s time to hear the world In a drop of Shamanizm Parallelii.

The World In A Drop of Shamanizm Parallelii

I think the first thing that struck me about this release was the psychedelic treatment given to a toy piano during the opening of the release.  It took me straight back into the 1960’s psychedelic music that I love.  But, it quickly that piano gives way to a grooving 130BPM track that had me totally enchanted.

And that experience is a good encapsulation of my overall experience with this release: lots of beats (ranging from 92bpm to nearly 150bpm), with lots of dub and all sorts of twists and turns that kept my ears pinned to me speakers.  For example, the piano of the opening gives way to the beat, but it doesn’t go away – little phrases from it are interlaced into the rhythm of the piece.


This is one of those releases that I have the feeling people will  fall in love with quickly.  It has all the elements of a good downtempo or PsyDub release, but there is enough that is different and quirky that make it new and fresh.  It’s the kind of thing that makes me excited for the prospects of electronica.  I’ve talked a couple of times about finding that most electronica, especially downtempo, was seeming to get stale.  This is not one of those releases.

The world In a drop of Shamanizm Parallelii is a pretty nice place to live.

Shamanizm Parallelii: The World In A Drop of Rain

Free / Donation



Posted by George De Bruin