Title: Mouseen
Artist:Jovem Palerosi
Release Date: 2014 Aug 23
Genre: Electronic World
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Label: Bump Foot


Occasionally a release comes along that just strikes me as a fresh take sounds that I have been familiar with for decades.  Such is the case with Jovem Palerosi’s Mouseen.  He has reached into the world of Brazilian music, and emerged with a fresh electronica style.

Jovem Palerosi’s Mouseen

Mouseen is Jovem Palerosi’s debut release on Bump Foot.  He has sampled Axial, Chico Correa & Electronic Band, Independência ou Marte, M. Takara and Filipe Doranti, Orquestra Experimental da UFSCar, and Constantina to create a release that grooves, and has a distinctly Brazilian feel to it.

Some of the really outstanding tracks on this release include ‘Hiperlúdio’ with it’s multi-layered guitars, ‘Sou Toda Nanuk’ with it’s almost spacey feeling over beautifully bouncing beats, ‘Descanso de Terra / Elevador Low-Fi’ a slow-tempo minimal track with a sensuous saxophone line.

But nearly every track on this release is a winner.  It’s the kind of release I can listen to over and over without growing tired of it. In fact, I have listened to this release over a dozen times since adding it to my play list about a week ago, and never once have I been tempted to skip it.

Every time I listen to it, I don’t really feel like I am listening to an electronic music release.  Every track on this release has a lot of soul and feeling to it, This release really captures the feeling of dance in Brazil, and makes me feel like I am being transported both in time and space.


Jovem Palerosi’s Mouseen may be a first release, but it doesn’t have the feeling of being a first release.  It has the feeling of coming from an artist that has honed an image and a sound for decades.  It sounds like this is the soundtrack to the dance party in his mind, and what a party it is.

Jovem Palerosi: Mouseen




Posted by George De Bruin