Tag: funk

Rooftop Hacky Sack

Spiedkiks: Rooftop Hacky Sack

Spiedkiks breaks a two year silence with Rooftop Hacky Sack, a release that plays to their strengths, and makes a great summer fun release.

Professor Kliq: The Scientific Method Vol III

Professor Kliq: The Scientific Method Vol III

Professor Kliq; The Scientific Method Vol III marks the long awaited sequel to the first two volumes in the series. It’s amazing to think about all the things that have changed between the first volume from 2004, and where Mike Else (aka Porofessor Kliq) is now.

Made Of Wood: Narcotherapy Hypnosis

Made Of Wood: Narcotherapy Hypnosis

Made Of Wood: Narcotherapy Hypnosis is the third soulfull, chillout, funky jazz trip from Dan Waldman. It’s one of those releases the just keeps giving.

The Dada Weatherman: folK.itUp

The Dada Weatherman: folK.itUp

The Dada Weatherman: folK.itUp is a seven track EP full of funk, groove and positive energy that will get you through your day.

Professor Kliq: 28 Days With The OP-1

Professor Kliq: 28 Days With The OP-1

Professor Kliq: 28 Days With The OP-1 made me a bit nervous when I saw it’s release. I’ve listened to many releases that were experiments with specific instruments, and many of them were either complete failures or nothing special. A great example of such an experiment: Todd Rundgren “A Capella”. So how does this Professor Kliq release fare? Read on….

Meanwhile in Leprottoland

LPR8: Leprottoland

Meanwhile in Leprottoland LPR8 has produced a really fun electronic release that I should have brought you a lot sooner.