Tag: flamenco

Eric Kamen: The New Art of Urban Flamenco
Eric Kamen: The New Art of Urban Flamenco explores the fusion of Flamenco with a range of styles ranging from Indian music to hip-hop and reggae.

PeerGynt Lobogris: Window Eye
PeerGynt Loborgis’ Window Eye is the most current release from the exceptionally gifted guitarist from Córdoba, Spain. I recently did a “retro” review of OutWorld III from 2010, but obviously a lot can change in four years, so how does Window Eye compare with his past works?

PeerGynt Lobogris: OutWorld III
When you observe PeerGynt Lobogris OutWorlds you might find yourself on an unexpected journey.

Globular & Radioactive Sandwich: Sorbet For The Soul
Today we have a refreshing surprise summer sorbet swirl of downtempo music, courtesy of Globular and Radioactive Sandwich.