Title: I Step Into The Advent
Artist: Mikael Fyrek
Label: Kahvi Collective
Release Date: 11/10/2009
Catalog No: Kahvi 276
License: CC BY-NC-ND

Mikael Fyrek is another example of one of the extremely fine electronic musicians that has been on the net for quite sometime.  This release is his fifth on the Kahvi Collective, and it exemplifies what one person can do with a home studio and more than a dash of skill and creativity.

With titles like All That Ever Shall Come To Pass and Is Past But A Fleeting Moment this is a recording about time, and timelessness. So, it’s no wonder, this release has elements that remind me of early Klaus Schulze (Timewind) and Vangelis (China or Albedo 0.39).  The early electronic musicians, especially the “space music” style have largely informed Mikael’s work on this recording. Paying homage to these artists, while maintaining his own distinct style is no mean feat, but one that he makes sound effortless.

I can’t select a favorite track from this EP.  As with much of Mikael’s work, I find myself attracted to each track, and to the whole release overall.  However, I can say, this is definitely a release worthy of listening to, and adding to your ambient or “space music” collection.

Mikael Fyrek: I Step Into The Advent

Free / Donation



Posted by George De Bruin