Welcome to a new series of articles called re:Sound.  The idea for this column came from a couple of magazine columns I have seen in the past.  Basically, the idea is to dig back into my collection and select a recording that is worthy of tracking down and listening to. While many of these will be netlabel releases that you can find fairly easily, some of them may be commercial releases that may be more difficult to find.  (However, I will stay away from RIAA releases as much as possible in favor of true independent releases…)

So, let’s get to my first choice.

Okay, this really isn’t a single release, it’s actually a pair of EP’s released by one of my netlabel artists: Transient.

Title: Work / Play
Artist: Transient
Label: Monotonik
Release Date: 18/12/05
Catalog No: mtk157
License: BY-NC-ND

Transient is an artist with a long history on the net.  He’s been releasing his own mixtures of glitch / bleep / IDM styled music for over five years now.  I can’t correctly recall where I first heard his work.  I suspect it was on another Monotonik release that I came across, and was inspired to go back and seek out all of the recordings I could find of his work.

This pair of EP’s represents an interesting pairing of works that Transient did.  The Work portion was recorded on breaks during his job on a Palm handheld.  The Play portion was recorded at his home studio.

This work is representative of what I like best about netlabel releases: the style tends to shift from song to song, however there is a cohesive whole to the work being presented.  The overriding concern with a netlabel release isn’t cornering an artist into a single style, but allowing them to explore the full range of expression with the only measure being the overall quality of the release, which Transient has in spades with these EP’s.  Check out the stream below from the Internet Archive, or download the full release from the links above.

01. toasted
02. all you can do
03. chip ship
04. sporty flute spoof
05. play
06. direct
07. oblong
08. minty fresh
09. i’m going to explode
10. trashybin

Transient: Work/Play




Posted by George De Bruin