Title: Miss You EP
: Various (aka The Aaahhchestra)
Release Date: 2013 Nov 16
Genre: Pop
License: CC BY-NC
Label: Aaahh Records

[Ed Note: Unfortunately, it appears this release has become an orphan. The label exists on BandCamp, Internet Archive, and Free Music Archive, and SoundCloud, however this EP is not available at any of these locations.]

The Aaahhchestra produces a brilliant EP, but that’s not really the groups name. It’s more of a nickname a group of musicians gave themselves as they worked on this EP before the Braahlitz Festival, 2013:

Before the general public showed up, our beloved aaahhchestra spent a whole week to work on several songs.

I just happened to like the name Aaahhchestra so much, that I’ve used it to identify the recording and the group of musicians behind it.

Now, to explain BRAAAHHLITZ 2013. Aaahh Reocrds has found an old railroad station outside of Berlin that they are in love with.  So, they decided to put on a weekend festival for 150 people.  The whole thing was put together through a “Crowdfinding” initiative that exceeded their goals.

This EP was put together by several of the musicians that were in attendance at the festival.  They recorded the tracks during the week prior to the festival.  The “intermissions” between the tracks are excerpts from the festival itself.

Overall it sounds like the festival was a wonderful success!  I wish I would have been one of the people in attendance as it looks like it was a very laid back, friendly scene with a really cool atmosphere and lots of activities.

And to document this really fun weekend, we now have the Miss You EP.  Six original tracks, with the aforementioned intermissions.  All of it well crafted pop music, with a lot of fun lyrical twists, and great music.  If I ever needed a reason to go to this festival, hearing is believing.  Alas, being in Germany, it’s a bit of a long trip.

But at least we have the next best thing for those of us who can’t be there: this EP.

Various (aka The Aaahhchestra): Miss You EP





  • Orphaned Release

Posted by George De Bruin