Title: Silent Rain
Artist: Onde Poussière
Release Date: December 2015
Label: Eg0cide Productions
License: CC BY-NC
Through friends of friends, Kecap Tuyul and Doedelzak get introduced at the XtetX, an improvisational experimental group that meets up in Paris, France. Doedelzak, a synth player, ends releasing the wonderful drone album, Wandering in Dust, on Eg0cide Productions back in August 2015, and then Doedelzak and Tuyul get together and record two tracks as the duo Onde Poussière. The end result of this October 2015 session is the newly released Silent Rain.
The liner notes to Silent Rain state that the duo’s music “relies on a careful mutual listening and a quite restrained palette. It gives a particular attention to contrasts, silences, subtle shifts – but can also be quite agitated and even noisy sometimes.” Tuyul has an extensive discography of working with other musicians and is known for his playing on prepared guitar, though thinking of him solely as a guitarist would be preposterous. His journeys in sound, whether solo or others, are always quite good. After finally listening to Doedelzak’s Wandering in Dust, it was no surprise that Doedelzak and Tuyul worked well together on Silent Rain.
The first track, “Skipped Slices”, begins quietly, directing us down an ambient path. But as Doedelzak calls out to Tuyul, Tuyul responds with an answer that in itself is a call to Doedelzak, and he repeats this call wrapped in an answer. The duo quickly turn our ambient journey into the subtle and not-so-subtle noises of daily life. There are interferences, jolts, and even some pleasantness. “Silent Rain”, the second track, begins even more quietly than the first, with Doedelzak on the synth. But at this point, the listener should not be fooled by this lull, as Tuyul and his guitar scrape into the soudscape like a wounded man walking down a dark alley. Somwhere around the 4 minute mark things begin to get even more weird which is never a bad thing. “Silent Rain” comes crashing down half-way through only to regroup itself for future strangeness. Doedelzak and Tuyul’s musical wanderings may be filled with indirectness, even randonmenss, but it is their response to the other’s chaos that brings the music into one sound and makes Onde Poussière’s Silent Rain worth your time.
The post Onde Poussière – Silent Rain appeared first on Acts of Silence.