Title: Conversion EP
: Brk
Release Date: 16 Feb 2014
Genre: Dub / Techno
License: CC BY-NC-ND
Label: Otium Sonux

It’s been a long time since the Sonux netlabel has had a release: July of 2012.  On this new EP, Brk’s dub conversions are moody, atmospheric and really quite chilled.  It is a really nice place to pick up after Nebyla’s Everest EP.

All of the tracks on this EP are untitled, leaving little for someone to speculate about when listening to the music.  This is just a pure, straight up listening experience.  For many people it will also be a dancing experience, as this is music that is very beat oriented.  It’s definitely intended as the kind of release that you can move your body to.

But it’s also quite a chilled and laid back release.  The beat isn’t overwhelming.  The ambient elements embrace and envelop the the rest of the music, allowing someone to just listen to it, and feel like they are listening to an ambient release instead of a dub release.

There is, however, one unusually odd thing about this release.  The first track seems to be incomplete. It cuts off very abruptly 2 minutes and 16 seconds into the track.  This seems quite peculiar.  All of the other tracks are twice that length, and tend to follow a pattern of fading in, building up, transforming, and then fading back out.

I normally don’t like techno releases.  However, this one falling into the more dub and ambient ranges works quite well for me.  The techno beat isn’t overwhelming, the overall layering of sounds, excellent production / engineering, and just the moody feel of the whole release works for me on another level.  This is the kind of release I can listen to while driving, writing, coding or any other kind of work that I need to do.

And finally: welcome back Sonux.  It’s good to have a new release from this label.  Brk’s dub conversion make a really fine addition to your catalog, and I hope we will be hearing more releases from this label, and a lot more frequently.  Once every 18-19 months is just a bit too slow. 🙂

[Note: As noted elsewhere…  It appears that Sonux has now been folded into the Otium netlabel.]

Brk: Conversion EP




Posted by George De Bruin