Title: Cure Light Wounds
: Weldroid
Release Date: 2014 Feb 28
Genre: Electronic
License: CC BY-NC-ND
Label: Kahvi Collective / Bandcamp

Weldroid: Cure Light Wounds

So, I can’t believe how overdue I am in writing something about both the Kahvi Collective, and Weldroid (among many Kahvi artists).  So the Kahvi Collective was the first netlabel I came across.  They introduced me to (a) modern electronica, and (b) to music that is being released under a Creative Commons license.  And Weldroid was one of the first artists I encountered on Kahvi. Well, now that Weldroid cures light wounds, there is no better time to talk about his work.


Weldroid has been releasing music on Kahvi Collective, and a couple of other netlabels since 2008.  Before releasing music on Kahvi, he was a member of the Exhumers demoscene group. Much of his music has been influenced by artists like Kraftwerk, Jean-Michel Jarre, Boney-M, The Prodigy, Björk, Depeche Mode, and later on Moloko, Plaid, and techno music.

Much of his sound is dark, intense, and atmospheric.  Lots of beats are found in his sound, and melodies that some characterize as being tinged with a bit of sadness.  Cure Light Wounds is Weldroid’s first release on Kahvi Collective in two years, and marks something of a new style to his work (at least for me, I had admittedly missed his releases on TonAtom).

On Cure Light Wounds, Weldroid shows a new level of production and sound design that is worth marvelling at.  From the opening ‘Escape From new York’, which has a very futuristic sound ala Kraftwerk mixed with the style of Future Sound of London, we are introduced to the fat analog bass sound that Weldroid has perfected.

But, this release isn’t all industrial and dark sounding.  The very next track ‘Cure Light Wounds’ shows a very different side of Weldroid’s style.  Light chime / marimba textures with a jaunty bassline hook you into this track, however it isn’t a surprise when finally some glitchy / noisy synthesizer lines are introduced (which remind me of something from an Aaron Jasinski release).  They are a bit a sarcastic reaction to the lightness that is emanating throughout the piece.

But don’t ever think that you can pin down this release to any single style, or range of influences.  My favorite track on this release is ‘Flying Fist’ which starts off with a spacey / airy electronic burbling, and a drum line that sounds like it’s from a Kris Roche track (the opening of ‘Astronaut’ specifically).  However, this give way to a piano line that reminds me of a piece that Piano Moraz.


This is Weldroid really extending himself in many directions.  He’s always had a wide range of influence, but this release seems to have taken things to a new level.  Production and engineering is impeccable.  The choice of material, styles, structures is really wonderful to listen to.  And, the fact that Weldroid can keep you guess with each track, keep challenging the listeners expectations, without ever going too far out is perfect.

Welcome back to the Kahvi Collective, Weldroid.  Hopefully curing light wounds is the first of many releases to come.

[P.S. While Weldroid has been releasing his works on Kahvi Collective, TonAtom and Softphase, he has opened a Bandcamp store for his releases as well.  I would encourage anyone who likes his work to check it out and make a contribution to him there.]

Weldroid: Cure Light Wounds

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Posted by George De Bruin