Tag: lofi

Magic Intuition In The Horrible Present

Horrible Present: Intuition

The magic intuition in the Horrible Present comes from years of travelling, misunderstandings, and a fascination with the past woven into psychedelic pop.

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15 Must Hear Releases of 2014 (So Far)

So, we are literally just half way through the year of 2014, and I am succumbing to the temptation to release a list of 15 must hear releases of 2014 (so far).

P.V. Herrera: A Very Serious Knock Knock Joke

A very serious knock knock joke is no April fool’s prank. Especially since it was released back in February. But, in a way it feels like a joke that is backfiring.

Tunnel Rat: The Solipsist EP

Tunnel Rat’s Solipsist EP pays homage to the great beatnik poets of the ’50s and ’60s.