Tag: alternative

10 More Netlabels To Follow
10 More Netlabels To Follow continues our survey to labels crossing musical, genre and geographic boundaries.

X Trait: Ultimum Minutis
X Trait: Ultimum Minutis is a work that I listened to with the hopes that it was going to b another Rotten Lily. It wasn’t. Check out my impressions…

Dr. MindFlip: In A Garden of Fools
Dr. MindFlip Is In A Garden of Fools for the conclusion of his series of EP releases for 2014. And this one is a quit a mind-altering doozie.

Small Colin: Mono Box
On Mono Box, Colin has gone a completely different direction. This time, instead of using a production technique to enhance and modify the sound of the music he has keyed the work around a monophonic synthesizer.