Title: Huracanado EP
Artist: Gumbel
Label: Self Released
Genre: Electronica
License: CC BY-NC-SA

I have had this release around for a while now, and haven’t been able to bring myself to a complete review  because there are things about this release that I cannot completely explain.  It’s not a question of getting the points across that I want to make, rather it’s how I try to make those points that are important.

Gumbel is a musician from Spain that describes his music as experimental electronic IDM with a mixture of 8-bit and other styles.  This is an accurate description, and given my preference for electronic music forms it should be a no-brainer that this artist would be exactly the kind of thing that I look for.  The fact that Gumbel tries to experiment with form and structure within his work should make it even more appealing to me.

However, I find some of the music on this five track EP works nicely, while some doesn’t.  And it seems when Gumbel tries to turn his hand to being more experimental, such as on the opening track Porvenir I find myself getting lost in the layers of sounds that clash with each other, and I don’t hear a relationship between them that is agreeable. Not all the tracks are bad though: Serotonina and Falsificacion Dermoestetica work well, for example.

And that seems to be the problem with this release some of the tracks I like, and some I don’t like.  Or sometimes, I like parts of a track, and not other parts.  And, the rub of this situation is, I have had a hard time listening to this release because it is something of a mixed bag.

I see where Gumbel has a newer release available, and is working on the soundtrack for a video game (the game itself doesn’t exist, only the soundtrack).  I may, in the future, get a copy of his newer work and see if I like them any better.  There really are some very strong parts to this work that I do like, but I can’t give it a full recommendation.

Gumbel: Huracanado EP




Posted by George De Bruin