Tag: rap

Jarod the Sixth: The Legend of Chinn Dynasty
Jarod the Sixth: The Legend of Chinn Dynasty is a “rite of passage” work that takes hip-hop / rap to a whole new level. I hope this is the future of rap.

10 Excellent Independent Labels
In July I published 10 Netlabels To Follow the first guide to alternative labels for the music that saturates our lives. The idea was to expose different labels and bring some attention to the people making music available that challenges our listening habits. So, here is the next list of 10 excellent independent labels.

Sun Sunych: Hybris
The Hybris of Sun Sunych has taught me two lessons. First, don’t read Google translations of rap lyrics. Second, Hybris is an alternative for Hubris.

DJ Def Chad: The Black Holocaust
DJ Def Chad’s first solo release is “grown folks” music, featuring a mixture of social consciousness and story telling.