Tag: culture

Is 2017 the year of CC music departures?

Is 2017 The Year of CC Music Departures?

Is 2017 the year of CC music departures? It appears a number of artists that I have come to admire over the five to ten years are hanging it up.

Ô-liostére: S-clave

Ô-liostére: S-clave

Ô-liostére is jazz ensemble from France that takes extreme joy in presenting works of outstanding technical ability, and infusing it with amazing energy that can be herd from start to finish in this release.

Talk Less, Say More: England Without Rain

Talk Less, Say More: England Without Rain

England Without Rain is an exceptional mix of post-modern electronic pop with an infusion of Japanese acoustic Koto.

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle – Day Eight

By this point, I have lost most narrative elements of this story, only to say that I do know which object is in “The Abduction of the Object”.

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle – Day Seven

Today we talk about “The Bird Machines” section of this work, observing Marcel Duchamp and a Gramophone teaching a small group of birds.

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle – Day Six

We reach into meta-fiction with “The Faust Cycle Podcast,” before turning to the “Of Kinetoscopes & Dung” section of this massive work.