Tag: classical music

Lärmschutz: Zweite Tafelmusik

Lärmschutz: Zweite Tafelmusik

Lärmschutz’s Zweite Tafelmusik is a work that challenges the Baroque definition Tafelmusik. It presents an new approach that is modern and challenging..

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle – Day Eight

By this point, I have lost most narrative elements of this story, only to say that I do know which object is in “The Abduction of the Object”.

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle – Day Seven

Today we talk about “The Bird Machines” section of this work, observing Marcel Duchamp and a Gramophone teaching a small group of birds.

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle – Day Six

We reach into meta-fiction with “The Faust Cycle Podcast,” before turning to the “Of Kinetoscopes & Dung” section of this massive work.

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle – Day Three

This section has been sub-titled Culinary Philosophy: Ergo Phizmiz (as the narrator), finds he has been moved to another room while he slept.

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle

Ergo Phizmiz: The Faust Cycle – Day One

Ergo Phizmiz & Firends have an accomplishment that is possibly the most insane thing I have seen. They produced and released a 14+ hour piece.